AATSP.ZIP 637212 05-26-95 Accurate Accounting Time Sheet Plus. Ver #1AATSP Creates Time Sheets Fast. Stores DataAutomatically Updating Management Files. Itcan be accomplished with no typing. Simpleto operate. On line help available. MenuDri ve
ACCTH.ZIP 594620 08-05-95 ACCOUNTING HELPER 3.95 ASP A comprehensiveaccounting help guide An accounting helpguide with over 300 'how to' examples and280 pages of text that covers basic toadvanced accounting plus contains advancedmanagement and
ACME16.ZIP 69909 05-27-95 TcSoft's small business system v1.6Includes Appointment module, Statementmodule Client module w history, inventory
AMORT21.ZIP 364556 06-12-95 AmortizeIT! 2.1 ASP a fast, flexible, easyuse loan analyzer. Uses a fill-in-the-blank interface. Includes an amortizationschedule 6 calculators: loan, refinance,remaining balance, accelerated payments,interest due bal
ANNBOM.ZIP 141096 07-15-95 DXF Bill of Materials Generator v1.00generates BOMs from AutoCAD DXF files.BLOCKs are counted and may be included inor excluded from the BOM. Headers andcolumn titles are editable. Items are alsoeditable and may inclu
AP124.ZIP 104454 07-06-95 AutoPart 1.24 provides inventory controland retail sales management for auto partshops and service departments. Featuresinclude itemized invoices, inventorytracking, compatibility with bar codereaders, and more. (Prin
ATND35S.ZIP 404287 07-22-95 Attend (RM) tracks attendance for up to 200employees. It can store personalinformation, compute statistics on employeeleave occurrence types, allows use ofextended comment files, and more. Theprogram also includes pas
ATNDTRK2.ZIP 236204 04-21-95 ATTENDANCE TRACK v2.0 A complete employeeattendance tracking system that maintainsemployee attendance information oneverything from sick leave to comp timeFull online documentation. Features drop-down menus, mouseable
AUDIT.ZIP 467060 07-09-95 Auditor's Companion Suite is comprised ofan address book, employee payroll, mathapplications, and rental facilitycomputations
AUTOMATE.ZIP 218483 06-19-95 Automate 4.0 is an automotive maintenancesystem that lets you track repairs andscheduled maintenance by date, cost, type,etc. (Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $30)
AUTOREPR.ZIP 195368 07-21-95 AutoRO is a repair order and partsinventory system for auto repair shops and
BANKPL30.ZIP 351805 07-01-95 BANK-PLAN r3.0 Shareware. Reg fee:£50 Helpssmall & mid-sized businesses to do monthlycashflow forecasts, plan cash requirementsand manage their cash resources for 12months ahead. Produces numerous reports andgraphs. I
BCLINK18.ZIP 340466 08-06-95 Business Clock Link 1.8 ASP Networkable PCTime Clock and In Out Board for Managerswith real-time job and task reporting, E-mail and Ticker Tape reports. V1.8 has jobefficiency and improved bardcode printingWritten in
BIGIDEA.ZIP 1122633 04-06-95 Royal Bank's Big Idea for Small BusinessInteractive software program designed tohelp you create a winning business plan andit includes all the forms you need to applyfor financing
BILLMAN2.ZIP 1019306 04-17-95 Billing Manager v2.00. Time, billing andaccounts receivable program for serviceprofessionals: Architects, AttorneysBusiness consultants, CPA's, EngineersFinancial planners, Land surveyors, Taxpreparers, etc
BIZ101A1.ZIP 217776 03-26-95 BIZ-101A v1.0: abridged version of avirtual book which profiles 101 PC basedbusiness ideas
BMAIL.ZIP 501073 04-20-95 PreSort III is a bulk mailing and mailmanagement system. It allows companies andorganizations that do bulk mailing to getthe lowest postal rates possible. Theprogram can import name and address datafields from a varie
BOBINV.ZIP 260269 03-15-95 Invoice program for small business andprofessionals.
BPLN43.ZIP 190505 04-18-95 B PLAN DEVELOPER v4.3 Expert Business PlanWorkbook. Write a PLAN like a PRO & SAVESee PC Plus (7 94) and "The Best Guide toBusiness Shareware" for reviews. 1000's ofregistered users worldwide, Windows and OS2 compatib
BSM6.ZIP 356687 06-19-95 Business StartManager 6.0 is an easy to usePersonal Information Manager It offers anappointment calendar, a phone numberdatabase, todo lists, a reminder system,text database and much more. It has anintegrated DOS GRAP
CAL15S.ZIP 112082 06-19-95 CALEVA V1.5S CALendar of EVents andAppointments at-a-glance. Amazingly simpleto use. An indispensable tool to assist youin tracking past, current and future eventsor appointments on a Daily, Weekly,BiWeekly, Monthly Q
CAREER.ZIP 333553 08-05-95 CAREER PATH 3.95 ASP Helps determine aperson's best career(s Career Path is acomprehensive career selection and planningsystem designed to help a person selectthose career(s) that will provide thegreatest career succe
CD4D.ZIP 37539 07-02-95 Church Database for Dummies is a databaseprogram for church secretaries. Itseamlessly integrates edit and commandkeys, and displays all importantinformation on a single screen, making theprogram easy to use It will st
CGCV.ZIP 39253 03-30-95 THE DOWNLOAD FILTER CONVERTS STOCK PRICEinformation downloaded from online sourcesinto user-defined, comma-delimited formatThis lets you massage data in order to readit into a portfolio manager program. Thefilter does
CHF111.ZIP 146198 03-22-95 Loan Chief v1.11 Loan calculating has neverbeen this easy! Professional schedules witha multitude of options: Weekly Annualvariable rates, loan acceleration, taxanalysis, variable payments, cumulative noncumulative, v
CHRON111.ZIP 493970 03-19-95 ChronoLog Version 1.11 ASP Award-winning1991 DoD Software Contest) Personal InfoResource Management System. Features easyevent entry, reminding, resource utilization matrix, conflict-checking, keywordand string search
CHXMST70.ZIP 257926 03-18-95 Check Financial Budget Business ManagementRegistration Fee is $24.00 Chex-Masterprints checks, reconciles your account,produces summary statements by userassigned codes, provides Budget Tracking,and check searches. In
CJPOS515.ZIP 739470 06-29-95 Complete point-of-sale program configurableto any small businesses. This EXTREMELYeasy-to-use program will write invoicesestimates, track inventory and salespersonsPerforms sales analysis for any period,keeps a custom
CLCATR14.ZIP 23022 04-29-95 Four function calculator with single memoryand percent key. Keeps running "tape" ofcalculations for entire session. Has printkey to write tape to a printable file HasGet Put key to take from or put to theclipboard Wri
COMET.ZIP 568258 07-06-95 COMET (Critical Office Management is aninformation organizer for any sizebusiness. It can be used to trackinformation in four distinct groupscontacts, office guides, property, andvital records
CSAM22.ZIP 131005 05-11-95 CSAMORT version 2.20 ASP Performs loanamortization schedules and automaticpayment calculations Contains a number ofoptions for special mortgage loancalculations Computer Solutions, Inc. $9.95s h
DAYCM.ZIP 598246 05-23-95 Day Care Manager is a detailed day caremanagement package that covers just aboutevery need for a day care program of anysize. It features film, music, tape, andbook libraries; a facility schedulingsystem; a detailed i
DAYM410.ZIP 310412 04-05-95 DayMaster 4.10 ASP Program gives youhistorical events, births and anniversariesfor the day, a quote, and any reminders youhave at boot up or any time. Reminders canbe annual,monthly,weekly,daily, range ofdates, or sin
DEPREC8.ZIP 50725 04-20-95 Deprec8 is an Excel macro application thatgenerates depreciation schedules for taxand book purposes
DMNDR.ZIP 427489 04-29-95 Daily Reminder by AZTECA Software A personalorganizer for Windows that takes the chaosout of your daily routine. Use it to setalarms for meetings or appointments, recordand dial phone numbers. Includes a personal
DRFORM32.ZIP 391950 03-25-95 DR. FORM v3.2 ASP The easiest, fastest wayfor anybody to create, edit, fill in andprint standard or custom made forms. FullMouse Support. Move, copy, draw lines, etcAutomatic Grid Maker. Print on pre-printedforms and
DVEND223.ZIP 202259 05-04-95 THE DISK VENDOR sales catalog system Forbusinesses who need an interactive on-linedisk based catalog for their customers.Complete instructions and compiler isincluded to show you how to make your owncatalog that can b
ECON2A.ZIP 434702 03-15-95 ECON 2.0: Stock Market ForecastingEconometric models of S&P 500, T Bond and TBill interest rates, inflation, and goldEnter 9 numbers monthly to getstatistically optimized forecasts for 3, 6,and 12 months ahead. Asset
EXPONENT.ZIP 3048 06-12-95 Exponential Interpolation Template is anexponential interpolation template for theAs-Easy_As spreadsheet program
EZBAKER.ZIP 197462 05-05-95 EZ BAKER V595 ASP Invoicing and billingsystem for delivery of bakery & foodproducts Free expenses, income, AP, andwage tracking programs with registrationLaunch from WINDOWS or DOS
EZBIZ.ZIP 219860 05-06-95 EZ BUSINESS V595 ASPEZ to use system for non accountantsEstimates, Invoices, POS, AR, InventoryFree Expenses, Income, AP, & Wage Trackingprograms, manual, and 3 months limitedsupport with registration of only $19.00
EZX.ZIP 151427 05-05-95 EZ EXPENSES V595 ASP Keep track of expenses.Free software Use the data for tax returns& budgeting Up to 28 catagories. EZ toscan, edit print data and reports. Menudriven On board help and prompts. EZ to useLaunch from
FAPRO.ZIP 429760 06-15-95 FAPRO.ZIP v2.1 ASP Fixed Asset Pro is acomprehensive fixed asset management systemUsing pull down menus, the programcalculates depreciation on multiple bases,applies tax limits, performs projectionsand comparisons and
FAVDIARY.ZIP 287807 04-11-95 My Favorite Diary v1.0: DOS Diary Journalprogram. You are able to create daily eventlogs in an electronic diary Access to theseentries are made by popping up the Calendarand selecting the date that you want towork wit
FAX0495.ZIP 7157 04-18-95 DRC's Corporate FAX Directory 4 95 is alisting of 100 US publicly heldcorporations that trade on the New YorkStock Exchange, the American StockExchange, or the NASDAQ National MarketSystem. Each record provides comple
FED114.ZIP 102066 06-06-95 FED Forms Editor and Printer uses standardASCII text files as forms and underlines asinput fields. You can print the blank orfilled out form to your printer and save itto a file with or without the input fieldsHas the
FFBCRD.ZIP 355935 04-14-95 Financial Freedom Business Cards v1.10Create business and rolodex cards and printthem on your printer. Features a drag anddrop interface to place lines, text,pictures and rectangles on your layouts.Use all of your fon
FFBMGR30.ZIP 464463 04-03-95 FF Billing Manager v3.00 ASP FinancialFreedom Billing Manager is a billingprogram for WINDOWS. Includes multiplecompanies three invoice formats, unlimitedcustomers over 10 customizable reports andmuch more Designed fo
FFLYER50.ZIP 540818 05-08-95 Frequent Flier Manager helps members ofairline travel award programs keep track oftheir frequent flyer miles
FTTLV532.ZIP 924574 06-12-95 FTTL v5.30 ASP Flexitime and Time LoggingSystem. Seamless integration betweenrecording employee attendance and what theyare doing with that time. Organisations canthen monitor attendance, holidays, personaland team pe
GPP214.ZIP 477404 05-16-95 General Invoice Sales Tracker Plus is ageneral invoice sales tracker for firmsneeding descriptive invoices which includemore than just numbers This programprovides all income data required by mostaccountants. It print
GPP216.ZIP 623821 07-28-95 CUSTOMER BILLING: Invoice Statement ReportsLegers Labels Lists. BOOKKEEPING KNOWLEDGENOT NEEDED! PopUp Invntory, PackLists, AutoReBill, Part Payments. Set for 0 1 2 SaleTaxs, Track up to 97 Tax Districts. BidsProposl
HAZLABEL.ZIP 33756 05-20-95 MS DOS compatible program which printslabels for hazardous materials with theircommon names and CAS numbers. This isversion 1.00 and is shareware. The cost toa school or business for a license to usethis program is $2
HOMEBIZZ.ZIP 259182 06-02-95 The Complete Home Business Guide Tired ofthe dead-end nine to five world in whichyou're working? There is a way out:a homebased business.If you're looking for thehome business opportunity that's just rightfor you, you
ICP12.ZIP 586698 06-10-95 General purpose inventory control programwith functions to sell, order, receive, andtransfer inventory. Maintains extensivetransaction history. ICP supports LIFO,FIFO and weighted average costing,serialized inventory,
II726S.ZIP 644469 05-06-95 Inventory Interface v7.26 ASP InventoryInterface is an extensive Inventory, POS,and MRP package. Completely integratedwithin the package are modules forinventory, bill of materials, work orders,sales order processing,
INFO500.ZIP 643933 06-29-95 INFODISK 500: INFODISK contains over 500pages of money-making reports, projects,businesses ideas, opportunities, sources,and much more This easy to use businessalmanac includes over 200 reports, andincludes computer r
INFOMAIL.ZIP 92907 04-08-95 HOW TO EARN A FORTUNE SELLING INFORMATIONBY MAIL This very informative electronicbook shows you step by step all the secretson how to do it like the pros. If you wanta second income that does not require toomuch time,
INV31AF.ZIP 500637 06-14-95 THE INVOICE STORE V. 3.1 Rev AF AnInvoicing, POS & Customer Tracking systemfor the small business. Very simple tolearn use, and requires no accountingbackground Perfect for any mailorder,retail, or any business that r
ISM46A.ZIP 446255 05-21-95 INDEPENDENT SERVICE MANAGER v4.6 Completeauto repair shop program for use by repairshops, body shops, machine shopsContains:Repair orders, Scheduling,InvoiceEstimates, Notes, Rolodex, Parts InventoryCustomer tracking
ISTRAV30.ZIP 666779 04-18-95 INTERSTATE TRAVELER v3.0 ASP A graphicaltravel planner, designed to pro-duceitineraries, expense estimates, and map forroad trips throughout the contiguous UnitedStates. Includes maps of thirty five majorcities. Print
JOB.ZIP 428599 07-20-95 The JOB System is a set of programsdesigned to record and track sub-contractor billing. Among the JOB Systemfeatures is the ability to run in a multi-user environment. It can access an invoiceby either invoice # or cl
JOBLOG20.ZIP 180744 06-02-95 JobLOG v2.0 ASP Logs the time you spend oncomputer projects. Runs from the DOS promptor can operate without user input byincluding it in batch files. Sends reportsto the printer or a disk file to import toyour favorit
JOUR167.ZIP 74108 03-30-95 I'M NO ACCOUNTANT (TM) Templates for Lotus1 2-3 v2.3 or later perform single entryaccounting with dialog screens for paymentsincome, and salaries. Transactions may bequeried by account name and or date rangeDialog scr
KNAP17B.ZIP 190433 04-01-95 Keber's Nice Address Program v1.7B Menu-driven business personal address telephoneprogram supporting up 725,000 addresses;search sort records, mail labels print"Index" or "Rolodex" cards, more
LOG24.ZIP 170063 03-28-95 DAILY LOG BOOK v2.4 ASP Personal diary withcalendar, search print options, macros cutpaste editing, optional passwordprotection. Subjects may be separated in upto 99 log books. Calendar views one or sixmonths and show
MAILBIZ.ZIP 223159 07-20-95 THE COMPLETE MAIL ORDER BUSINESS GUIDEThink of all the mail order ads you seeMillions of dollars are exchangeing handseveryday.Why not learn how to get yourshare of the dollars in this fabulousbusiness Don't think for
MAINTER.ZIP 114812 05-02-95 Maint assists companies in managingequipment servicing and repairs. You cankeep up-to-date records of service history,supplier details specifications, and spareparts. Cost budgets can be set and actualexpenditures mon
MAXPOS20.ZIP 276383 07-04-95 Max Point of Sale User Guide v2.0 Max POSis a robust, full-featured, multiuserretail point of sale system. it enable yourPC to emulate an electronic cash register
MBNK16A.ZIP 363550 08-08-95 Money & Banks v1.6a RCCO Research PersonalBanking Manager with attractive DOSinterface. Personal, professional orbusiness banking. Pop-up calculatorcalendar, scheduler; printing on regularchecks; reports & labels; cre
MEDLIN95.ZIP 298786 04-25-95 MEDLIN ACCOUNTING 1995 VERSIONS ASP Fivefast, easy to use accounting programs Fivefast, easy to use accounting programs forthe small business. PC-GL Ver. 5.0 DoubleEntry General Ledger. PC-AR Ver. 5.0Accounts Receivab
MILKMAN.ZIP 208821 05-05-95 MILK MAN V595 ASP Invoicing and billingsystem for retail home delivery of dairy &other products Free expenses, income, AP,and wage tracking programs withregistration Launch from WINDOWS or DOS
MIS0495.ZIP 9800 04-18-95 DRC's Directory of MIS Executives 4 95 is alisting of 100 corporate officers in USpublic companies who are responsible formanagement information systems. Each recordprovides the full name and exact title ofeach office
MLRCC32.ZIP 153550 03-28-95 My Little Realm's Calling Cards v3.2 ASPis your answer when you need an electronicphone book. You can use it as a personalYellow Pages, telling it to find yourdoctor or plumber when you can't recall aname or number. P
MMFT25.ZIP 766789 05-01-95 Micro Manifest-Automated Shipping SoftwareMicro Manifest will completely automate theU.P.S. shipping process. Looks up all ratesand incidential charges. Prints all labelsU.P.S. approved shipping reports. Alsoprints pa
MONEYTR1.ZIP 281033 04-17-95 Money Tree is an electronic magazine forentrepreneurs and small businesses. Itcontains articles about taxes, smallbusiness loans, pizza franchises, and aninterview with a person who re-fills inkjet printers for a livi
MOU31.ZIP 189496 04-06-95 McGrath's Offline Utilities V3.1 February1995 by Steve McGrath Copyright 1993-1995,All Rights Reserved MOU is a set ofutilities that will aid you in processingyour offline messages. With MOU, you canadd, convert, inde
MPLUS21A.ZIP 276491 06-13-95 MPLUS 2.1a Mailing List System ASP ESCSimple yet full-featured mailing system hasuser-configurable features, supportsinternational mailing needs, duplicatechecking, phone dialing, record taggingimport and export, form
NATIN507.ZIP 302980 07-05-95 National INNdex 5.07 ASP . Motel locaterfor the road warrior or vacationing familyHelps you easily find a motel in almost anytown of several thousand population in USASelect the town you are planning to visitdisplays
NCAL11.ZIP 38416 04-04-95 NCAL V1.1: The best DOS calendar availablefor free! NCAL displays holidays andbirthdays every year before you miss themIt tells you how many shopping days leftFull color. Does not require ANSI.SYSalthough ANSI.SYS is
ODAY430.ZIP 372795 04-04-95 OMNIDay 4.30 ASP Computer diary programwith many features and toggles. Has over10000 encryption options & keys. Can handleup to 10 users at once and has a fullfeatured text editor. Internally calls upSpell checkers. C
ONORD10.ZIP 68669 04-11-95 OnOrder Version 1.00 Who What When & Wherefor Orders Track what you ordered and whenHow much did it cost? From whom When is itdue? Where did it go Flexible database Easyto use Print Labels & Envelopes More
PAYCHECK.ZIP 24611 05-03-95 PayCheck Calculator 2.0 is a template forLotus 1-2-3 v2.01 which calculates payrolldeductions for employees in New York StateIt deducts federal tax, FICA, Medicare, NewYork State, (with or without NY City) andNYS disa
PAYDAYGM.ZIP 116992 07-13-95 Payday (GM) keeps track of employee payrollinformation. It will record hours workedfor each employee calculate straight timeand deductions year-to-date information,track sick days and vacation balances, andmore This v
PCDESK51.ZIP 94241 07-19-95 PCDESK v5.1 ASP A memo calendar and addressbook utility. This highly interactive PC ATDOS program generates monthly calendars anda weekly planner to which you can add memonotes. Also generates yearly calendars and
PCPR95.ZIP 71233 04-25-95 PC-PR Payroll Writing v5.0 ASP Includes1995 tax tables. Prints W-2's. Track 941data. Print checks. Up to 1200 employeesTips, 401k, OT, cafeteria plan, autoallowance etc. After the fact entryavailable. Employee history
PDMEMB3H.ZIP 483094 08-07-95 ProDev*MEMBER v3.0h ASP Church Membershipsystem program and documentation. Trackseverything about anyone involved with thechurch giving & attendance. Many label runsand reports. Best buy at $55
PDQUOT.ZIP 419467 08-07-95 ProDev*QUOTE V6.0d ASP Quote SystemContains program, data & documentationExtremely full featured Quotation orBidding system for any type or size ofbusiness. Point & Shoot browse allows rapidpreparation of quotes. Uses
PDQUOT6D.ZIP 419467 08-07-95 ProDev*QUOTE V6.0d ASP Quote SystemContains program, data & documentationExtremely full featured Quotation orBidding system for any type or size ofbusiness. Point & Shoot browse allows rapidpreparation of quotes. Uses
PERSCHED.ZIP 146238 04-29-95 PERSONAL SCHEDULE V1.02. ASP CalendarSchedule, Project Manager, PIM. MS-DOS.This powerful Personal Information Manager(PIM manages personal, family, group, andproject calendar schedules, reminding whentasks are due, a
PGTIME2.ZIP 168871 06-20-95 PROGRAM TIMER version 2.00 Keeps date andtime records of DOS program usage. Givesdetailed reports of when and how long youare using any DOS program Perfect forInternet shell account users Keep an eye onphone bills, on
PHONE11.ZIP 17936 05-09-95 PHONE v1.1 Converts alphanumeric phonenumbers to all numeric phone numbers Forexample, 1-800-SUPPORT will be converted to1-800-787767 and displayed Simple and easyto use. From PSI
PIZZAMAN.ZIP 141520 05-05-95 PIZZAMAN V595 ASP Makes Food DeliveryInvoices Uses phone numbers to instantlyget customer info. Prints invoices 2 to apage on plain paper
PMEGRAND.ZIP 1124238 04-05-95 Royal Bank's Big Idea (French) for SmallBusiness. Interactive software programdesigned to help you create a winningbusiness plan and it includes all the formsyou need to apply for financing
PMEZIP1.ZIP 296006 05-10-95 PME EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Extremely easy toinstall and use Fast Search: by Type ofEquipment ID#, Location, Supplier, orFrequency of Maintenance. Reports Whatneeds to be done! To Screen File orPrinter. Built in Calenda
PMIII.ZIP 425426 06-28-95 Personnel Master III is a personnelmanagement program. It keeps track ofemployee personal data; warnings of pendingreviews; emergency contact employeeseniority and birthday lists skills andtraining inventory professio
POMS13.ZIP 260548 07-15-95 Physician Office Management System 1.13 isa patient records and billing system forphysician offices. It supports paymentterms, tax tables, billing invoices,appointments, daily journals, and more.(Keith R. Plossl) (Reg
PPOWER.ZIP 1240929 07-26-95 Personal POWER Organizer combines anexpense manager, phone list, phone dialer,calendar and activity tickler into anintegrated application suite with the sameuser interface. (Keycon Technologies, Inc.)(ASP Reg.Fee: $39
PPURCH12.ZIP 412681 05-27-95 Pro Purchase v1.2. Complete PurchaseOrdering system. Maintains a database ofyour vendors products, product categories,shipping addresses, and printed purchase
PRSCD10B.ZIP 145320 04-17-95 PERSONAL SCHEDULE V1.0b. ASP authorCalendar Schedule Project Manager. MS-DOSThis powerful, flexible program managespersonal, family, group, and projectcalenda schedules, reminding when tasks aredue, and automatically
QL20.ZIP 416615 05-01-95 Q_LABELS v2.0 ASP Unlimited labels, home orbusiness. Mouse, pulldown menus, contactsensitive help, emvelopes, post cards,index cards ... Prints Postnet barcodes.Powerfull but easy to use database can holdup to a milli
QPAC33.ZIP 61285 06-12-95 QPACS the Quick Personal Accounting Systemis designed to provide financial managementfunctions for individuals and families. Thefollowing functions are provided: Checkbookentries for up to nine bank accounts; check
REBEL.ZIP 164034 05-09-95 Rebel is a spreadsheet program with 128columns and 1024 rows. Features includeindirect cell addressing programmable rangeoperations, variable labels, arrayassignments, and more
RETAIL50.ZIP 400516 04-19-95 RETAIL PLUS V5.0 A full-featured retailsales and inventory system that is veryeasy to learn and use with pull-down menusand on-line help. Has a Point-Of-Salemodule with slip printer and cash drawersupport. Other featu
ROLLOVER.ZIP 14630 05-01-95 Great legal way to make money using yourcomputer! Really easy
SALESPNT.ZIP 551047 06-08-95 Sales Point is a sales program designed tohandle retail sales, order entry,inventory, work orders, and accountsreceivable from sales scheduling, notesletters and more
SBA952.ZIP 711682 06-14-95 SMALL BUSINESS ADVISOR v95.2 ASP ZIPfile 1of 1: Expert, tax legal consultant-on-a-disk Advises your business on vast range ofbusi ness, legal, tax issues. Over 600pages up-to date info (Fed & all 50states), by a Harva
SCBATR24.ZIP 538839 03-15-95 SCBA Trak v2.42 ASP Fire Dept. SCBA backpack, bottle, mask, and PASS unit InventoryMaintenance Records program. Warns ofbottles coming due for hydro test or pasttheir 15 year life. Warns of SCBA packs &masks due for r
SCM20.ZIP 56403 06-20-95 Shift Schedule Maker 2.0 Will printout a 12hour, 28 day rotating shift schedule of anymonth for the next 100 years or so.Supports 7 days longweek and every otherweekend off schedules Good forDupont(Deepwater), PSEG an
SEO215.ZIP 104109 05-27-95 FINALLY! A comprehensive, accuratereference for entrepeneurs! This tutorial-style work covers everything from thewhy's, to the wherefores of a new business.Read why so many people are starting theirown business ventur
SERVANT.ZIP 1192380 06-28-95 Servant is an extensive church managementsystem. (The Micro Group) (Reg.Fee: $99)
SERVICE2.ZIP 326791 04-18-95 SERVICE CALL MANAGER V2.00 ASP Completemanagement of Field service org.-CompleteField Service Call management system Trackcall incidents and parts used on eachincident. Print dispatch slips Manager canget call status
SERVIH31.ZIP 178243 06-05-95 SERVICEH V3.10 ASP Creates invoices for theservices you provide. The invoice includesa monthly fee for your services, and othercharges as well as state sales tax whenrequired. Sales messages appear at thebottom of the
SERVIP31.ZIP 178182 06-05-95 SERVICEP V3.10 ASP Creates invoices for theservices you provide. The invoice includesa monthly fee for your services, and othercharges as well as state sales tax whenrequired. Sales messages appear at thebottom of the
SOURCE15.ZIP 83442 05-02-95 300 Wholesale Sources 1.5 containsinformation on how to contact wholesalersof all types of products. This version onlycontains a sampling of wholesalers, not theentire 300+. (Kathy Long) (Reg.Fee: $20
SPOWER1.ZIP 1250345 07-26-95 Sales POWER Organizer is a comprehensiveprogram for managing critical salesinformation. It combines a customer listphone list, phone dialer, sales forecastersales cycle planner, sales call reportorder quote product ma
SPOWER2.ZIP 1349763 07-26-95 See SPOWER1.ZIP
SPOWER3.ZIP 337050 07-26-95 See SPOWER1.ZIP
SSADIN.ZIP 490392 04-10-95 Many custom functions utilities for Excel 5
STWTCH17.ZIP 95939 07-26-95 StopWatch A Computer Chronograph v1.70 ASPStopWatch is a highly accurate computerchronograph that provides two or threelevels of precision for Up, Race, Down,Lap, Game and Split Timers. Also includesDate Calendar, and
TEMP10.ZIP 101999 06-13-95 TempServ 1.0 Finding A Job
TI.ZIP 37243 07-21-95 TecInvo is an invoice package designed forelectronic and appliance repair shops. Itallows you to customize the user's businessname prints reports, and much more
TIME.ZIP 656076 05-30-95 DIGITAL BUSINESS CARDS Version Time ASPCreate a dynamic, professional DigitalBusiness Card in 15 minutes. Select fromdifferent formats to create your own uniqueDigital Business Card. Copy it to a floppyand include wit
TLC610.ZIP 546802 07-20-95 The TRUCK DATA SYSTEM v6.10 ASP Completevehicle Maint.records.Fuel,Repairsinspections,tires,inventory. odometer-hubchanges; Reports costs,performance; Easymenu driven, fill in the blanks; Built inBACKUP routine; use E
TODO16.ZIP 77216 05-26-95 TODO List v1.6 TODO is a program that addsorganization to a list that you can fillwith all the stuff that you may want toforget but can't. This is a very powerfuland versatile program, but is still veryeasy to use, an
TRAVELDB.ZIP 97790 04-03-95 TRAVELER'S DATABOOK Version 1.0-WS byInfoGraphics Information Services. TheTraveler's DataBook is designed as aconvenient way for mobile computingprofessionals to access importantinformation needed for business travel
VCDIR.ZIP 301630 04-23-95 The Evans Venture Capital Directory 1995.If you need Investment Capital-these arethe people to talk to
VIDEO20S.ZIP 471326 06-09-95 THE VIDEO STORE 2.0 Rev S A video rentalstore POS system that is very powerful andsimple to use Supports customers,inventory, sales salesmen, products &rentals, payments late fees, and is networkready Supports popular
VIDEO452.ZIP 604427 07-05-95 BWVideo is a point-of-sale system for videoand laser disk rental stores. It featurescustomer database, product database,reservation system, pricing tables, barcode support, security options, and more
VMS10.ZIP 166588 06-08-95 Vehicle Maintenance System 1.0 allows youto keep records of repairs and periodicmaintenance on your vehicle. (Ron Sharp)(Reg.Fee: $15)
WJS13C.ZIP 242507 04-25-95 WHAT JOB SUMMARY? v1.3c Job summarytracking for contractors Pull-down menus.On-line help. Keeps bid due date, bidamount, est. & actual costs, etc for260,000 jobs per year. Reports includeDaily Activity, Job Status, Mo
WORKS.ZIP 405371 05-15-95 Works Managment Demo is a works managementsystem that automates complex clericalprocedures in banking insurance, andgeneral business enviroments. RequiresAccess 2.0
XPNS240.ZIP 165492 04-07-95 XPNS 2.40 automates the entry, printinghistorical and budget reporting of businesstravel expenses. Ten categories can bemodified to suit your needs. Vendor andCharge-To tracking. Sub Categories may alsobe created for
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